• An Garda Síochána An Garda Síochána

    Phone: 999 or 112 (in case of emergency) or your Local Garda Station

    Website: https://www.garda.ie/en/contact-us/

    Deal with: Emergencies / Criminal Offences / Disturbances / Safety Concerns

    Note: SMS Service available for deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired people in case of emergency. Register for this service in advance. Text 112.

  • Garda National Diversity & Integration Unit Garda National Diversity & Integration Unit

    Phone: +353 1 6663150

    Email: diversity@garda.ie

    Report Hate Crime: https://www.garda.ie/en/reportahatecrime/

    Website: https://www.garda.ie/garda/en/crime-prevention/community-engagement/community-engagement-offices/garda-national-diversity-integration-unit/garda-national-diversity-integration-unit.html

    Region specific: Diversity Officers are located through Ireland. Further details on your nearest Diversity Officer can be found on their website.

    Deal with: Hate Crime

  • Enviromental Officer Enviromental Officer

    Website: https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/1/environ/contact.html

    Region specific: Each Local Authority also have a Department of Environment. Contact the Department of Environment in your Local County Council.

    Deal with: Environmental issues, noise complaints, recycling, dog licences, waste disposal, radon gas, littering and dumping, burning waste.

  • Dog Wardens Dog Wardens

    Region specific: Contact the Control of Dogs Department in your Local County Council.

    Deal with: Dog Fouling, Dog barking Dog related complaints. Local Authorities are responsible for the control of dogs under the Control of Dogs Act 1986. They can appoint dog wardens, provide dog shelters, seize dogs, impose on-the-spot fines and take court proceedings against dog owners.


    Phone: 0818 515 515

    Website: https://www.ispca.ie/

    Deal with: Animal welfare concerns.

  • INAR / iReport INAR / iReport

    Phone: +353 (0)1 889 7110

    Website: https://www.ireport.ie/

    Deal with: Confidential reporting of hate crimes across Ireland.

  • Residential Tenancies Board Residential Tenancies Board

    Phone: 0818 30 30 37 or 01 702 8100

    Website: www.rtb.ie

    Deal with: Landlord and Tenant dispute resolution, tenancy advice services.

  • Citizens Information Citizens Information

    Phone: 0818 07 4000

    Website: https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/

    Deal with: Providing information on public services and on the entitlements of citizens in Ireland gathering information from various government departments and agencies.

  • Threshold Threshold

    Phone: Freephone 1800 454 454

    Email: advice@threshold.ie

    Website: https://threshold.ie/

    Deal with: Free advice to people in housing difficulty.

  • TUSLA - Child & Family Agency TUSLA - Child & Family Agency

    Phone: 01 7718500

    Website: https://www.tusla.ie/

    Region specific: Link to local area phone numbers: https://www.tusla.ie/get-in-touch/local-area-offices/

    Deal with: Concerns about the protection and welfare of a child

  • Elder Abuse Elder Abuse

    Phone: HSE helpline: 1850 24 1850

    Website: https://www.ageaction.ie/how-we-can-help/elder-abuse

    Deal with: Concerns in relation to physical abuse, financial or material abuse, psychological abuse, neglect and acts of omission, sexual abuse and discriminatory abuse of elders.

  • Crime Victims Helpline Crime Victims Helpline

    Phone: Freephone- 116 006

    Website: https://www.crimevictimshelpline.ie/

    Deal with: National support service for victims of crime in Ireland.

  • Womens Aid Womens Aid

    Phone: 24hr National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900

    Website: www.womensaid.ie

    Deal with: Confidential support service for women and children who are / have been victims of Domestic Violence / Coercive Control.

  • Men’s Aid Men’s Aid

    Phone: 01 554 3811

    Email: hello@mensaid.ie

    Website: www.womensaid.ie

    Deal with: Confidential support service for all male victims of Domestic Violence / Coercive Control. Men’s Aid support those victims who, from a gender perspective, primarily identify as male, including non-binary, intersex and transgender men within its support and services provision.

  • Safe Ireland Safe Ireland

    Phone: 1800 341 900

    Website: www.safeireland.ie

    Deal with: Confidential support service for women and children who are / have been victims of Domestic Violence / Coercive Control.

Report Anti-Social Behaviour

Please report incidents of anti-social behaviour to Clúid by:

Email: cluid@cluid.ie

Phone: 01 707 2088

Address: 159-161 Sheriff Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 R8NO

Please take note of dates, times, and detail of the incident. This will help your Housing Officer with their investigations. Download the ASB Log Sheet

If you have reported the incident to Gardaí, please request a PULSE number and the name of the Garda you dealt with.