The Government has amended the legislation on rent increases during the covid-19 health emergency.  Clúid are now reviewing the legislation and how it may apply to our residents. Please continue to check back here for updates in due course.

You must continue to pay your rent on a weekly basis, even if you are receiving payments fortnightly. Your account will be in arrears if you do not pay weekly.

Clúid quick reference guide

Click here or on the image below to download our Covid-19 quick reference guide.

HSE advice

You may have received the HSE's Covid-19 booklet by post, if not you can download a copy by clicking here.

The HSE have produced a short but insightful clip on the benefits of hand washing, to view please click here.

If you can, and if it is appropriate to do so, check on your elderly neighbours or those with any medical conditions. Those who may be self-isolating or cocooning and may need your help with food shopping. If you are doing so already, your support and kindness is very appreciated, thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are aware that resident’s circumstances may have changed in recent weeks, please see our Frequently Asked Questions below on what actions to take if you are impacted by these new restrictions.

  • A. Yes, residents can make an online rent payment, please click here to pay your rent now. Alternatively, you can pay over the phone through the Contact Centre by calling 01 707 2088.

  • A. Clúid will reassess your rent based upon your household income. Any reduction in rent that may be applicable will be made following this reassessment. To request a rent assessment you must follow the necessary steps outlined below:
    1. You must register with the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Self-employed and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) employees can find out more information by clicking here.
    2. Request a letter from your employer advising of your circumstances.
    3. Gather a copy of your receipt of payment for your Covid-19 pandemic payment or unemployment benefit.
    4. Send both the employer letter and the receipt of pandemic or unemployment payment and any other income from your household by;
    – email to
    – or online by uploading your documents through the contact us webform at

  • A. If you are unable to collect your welfare payments and cannot make a payment towards your rent, please let us know by emailing or by filling out the online contact form at

    Please make sure that you pay any rent arrears in full when you are able to collect your payments. It can be difficult to get out of rent arrears so we do not advise that you allow rent arrears to build up.

  • A. If you pay your rent by household budget, then it will be deducted automatically the next time you collect your welfare payment.

    Important: Please advise us by emailing or by filling out the online contact form at

  • A. Please continue to advise us of any required repair work by emailing or by filling out the online contact form at

    Please note: If you require emergency repairs please contact us by phone on 01 707 2088. During the period of Covid-19 restrictions only emergency maintenance work can be carried out as advised by Government. Click here to find out more.

  • A. If there is a requirement for Clúid staff to visit your scheme at a time over the duration of the restrictions, it is vital that both residents and staff observe a 2 meter distance at all times.

    Important: If you have a query please do still get in touch by emailing or by filling out the online contact form at