Resident Engagement

We believe in Community. We believe that behind every ‘Great Place to Live’ is a community of people working together to make it happen. We also believe that our residents should be empowered to take ownership of their neighbourhood and build safer, more resilient communities for all.

My Voice

Clúid provides a number of different ways to influence the services that you receive but we also know that it can be difficult to find the time. If you want to get involved, we will find a way to have your voice heard.

If you are interested in any of the options below or would like more information on Resident Engagement at Clúid, just fill out the form below.

What’s Involved

As a Clúid resident, we will offer you a range of ways to get involved and make a difference in your community. These options will be appropriate to your needs and your available time. It is important that we hear the experience of as many residents as possible to influence the services you receive so we have created a ‘Menu of Involvement’ that you can choose from as you wish. All the activities are as valuable as one another.

Join Us

Sign up now and join residents from across the country who are helping to create 'Great Places to Live' and improving the lives of those in their community. This menu sets out the various ways that you can influence decisions on services and policies that may affect you, now and into the future.

If you want to submit the join us form then please disable text-mode on the assistive toolbar and then reload the page.

    Menu of involvement

    Make a Difference By

    Time Commitment

    Interested (tick the box)

    Joining our Resident Engagement Register.

    Keep up to date with what is happening, upcoming Resident Engagement projects and initiatives.

    As and when required.


    Conducting a scheme walkabout with your Housing Officer and Property Surveyor.

    One hour every three months.


    Helping to organise a local community event/activity.

    Two times per year for 1.5-3 hours, with possible planning meetings depending on the event being held.


    Joining an Editorial Panel – Review documents and newsletters before they go out to the wider resident community.

    Comment back as and when necessary.

    The Resident Newsletter is issued twice per year. Involvement can be from home. Residents produce newsletter content and review publications.


    Joining the NRAG/CRAG or a Special Advisory Group.

    Four to six times per year. each meeting will be a maximum of 2 hours. If in person, out-of-pocket expenses are covered.


    Joining a local Residents Association. Your group will represent all the residents on your scheme and will help solve local problems while helping to organise scheme events.

    Six to eight meetings per year for 1.5-2 hours. Meetings may be face to face or online.


    Taking a survey – We can arrange to contact you by phone or email, or send you a link to complete a survey online.

    Approx. 10-15 minutes per survey.


    Joining a Policy Panel – Review specific policies and co-create new policies and procedures.

    Ad Hoc. Potentially five to six meetings over a 5 month period. Each meeting lasting between approx. 1.5-3 hours.


