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Membership of Irish Network Against Racism

March is Anti-Racism month. It is an important time to focus on combatting racism and celebrating diversity in Ireland.

Clúid Housing is pleased to announce that we have joined INAR, the Irish Network Against Racism.

This comes in the context of our on-going work to promote equity and diversity through our ‘Quality in Our Diversity’ project. This 5-step process commits us to building welcoming and inclusive communities for people of all backgrounds. We want everyone to feel welcomed and supported in their tenancy and in their neighbourhoods.

The ‘Quality in Our Diversity’ project emerged in response to research by the Immigrant Council of Ireland which found that tenants from minoritised communities living in social housing settings were more likely to experience racism than those living outside social housing. A key aspect of initiating this process was the recruitment in November 2022 of a full-time Coordinator to drive and help lead continuous change by working directly with tenants and staff to develop authentic and well-thought-out processes to ensure inclusion is at the heart of all engagement with racially minoritised residents.

The decision by Clúid to apply for membership of INAR reflects our commitment to improving standards and experiences for tenants. Our communities are becoming increasingly diverse, and in light of the recent rise in anti-migrant activity, we take this opportunity to assure all of our residents and service users that they are welcomed and supported by us.

“I believe that joining INAR is a statement of intent and a demonstration of leadership on behalf of Clúid that underpins our already strong commitment to being an anti-racist organisation. I think it is a very important step towards working more collectively with others to highlight and effectively address the issue of racism in Ireland, I look forward to meeting and working in collaboration with all members of the network going forward” Robert O’Keeffe, Housing Manager and Quality in Our Diversity Project lead for Clúid.

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