Proposals sought for research study on financial exclusion among AHB tenants
27th Jan, 2020
Clúid Housing and the Housing Finance Agency are jointly commissioning a research study on financial exclusion among AHB tenants in Ireland.
The primary research objective is to examine and assess the level of financial exclusion faced by Clúid and other AHB tenants in Ireland and to make recommendations.
Ensuring that social housing tenants have access to the services that they require in order to live decent and fulfilled lives is a key aspect of Clúid Housing’s work. In other words, not only does Clúid provide housing, we provide homes. This means that we take steps to provide our tenants with the resources, knowledge and skills necessary to fulfil their and their family’s aspirations. Increasingly, as we move towards a cashless society, both nationally and internationally, part of this includes ensuring that our tenants have adequate access to financial services. Financial services are important in allowing access to credit and savings facilities, facilitating regular payments, increasing consumer protection, and receiving State benefits. While access to credit, for example, has, in general terms, been facilitated over the last number of decades, and banking, to a large degree, has moved online, allowing greater user access and control, many low-income households experience challenges with regard to accessing financial services. Indeed, approximately 7% of the poorest 40% of households in Ireland don’t have access to a bank account, compared to just over 3% of the richest 60% of Irish households. This is a pattern that is reflected globally.
However, there does not exist a great deal of literature on the issue in Ireland. Research on the level of financial exclusion among Clúid Housing tenants and tenants from other AHBs would provide an insight into the challenges facing our own tenants, and also offer a view of the potential overall situation for social housing tenants in other AHBs, or, indeed, Local Authorities.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 5 p.m. on Friday, February 21st, 2020.
The amount awarded for the successful applicant (s) will be a maximum of €40,000.
To download the application form, click here. A guidance document can be downloaded here.
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