St. Mary’s Mansions gets a green makeover

Following July’s Green Ribbon workshops with the residents of St. Mary’s Mansions, Susan Vickers, Clúid’s Energy and Environmental Manager and Robert O’Keeffe, Housing Officer, have been working with St. Mary’s residents to develop a plan to landscape and manage the green areas throughout the scheme.

Green Ribbon works with resident associations and community organisations in Dublin’s North East Inner City – to help people take an active role in owning and maintaining communal areas in the locality. The initiative is run in association with Dublin City Council and Sunflower Recycling.

In the months following the workshop, the flower beds have been planted in the courtyard as well as some of the areas at the front of the scheme. The planting has been planned with Clúid’s biodiversity programme as a guide to work towards achieving our sustainability targets as set out in our Greening Strategy.