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Sustainable Development Goals

14th Feb, 2022

Throughout 2021, Clúid promoted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among residents and staff. Development Perspectives, a development education organisation hosted a workshop with the National Residents Advisory Group (NRAG) and Clúid staff on Goal 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities.


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Susan Vickers, Energy and Environmental Manager and NRAG members Niamh O’Connor and Dorothy Seagrave have shared the below account of the Sustainable Development Goals from their perspectives

Susan Vickers, Energy and Environmental Manager Clúid Housing: “The Sustainable Development Goals are basically a plan for how to achieve positive change and create a more sustainable future for all. They were adopted by the UN in 2015 as a “universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity”. From building sustainable communities and promoting better use of resources, to eliminating hunger and inequalities, each SDG enables social and environmental sustainability whilst ensuring the health of our planet and communities is protected.

The goals are designed to support governments and corporations to collaborate in delivering on a common agenda, but it is vital that the private sector also plays its part. Clúid is committed to doing that as best we can. We are actively engaging with our residents, communities, and wider stakeholders to promote and advance sustainable development, where possible. We see that by promoting the SDGs and facilitating an understanding of them we are empowering our organisation and our residents to make more informed/ sustainability focused decisions.”

Niamh O’Connor, Clúid resident and NRAG member: “In Ireland every year a development education organisation called Development Perspectives provides SDG training to people who are advocates for sustainability, in its various forms. This open application process leads advocates through a training course and at the same time each SDG Advocate chooses their own action project to develop. At the end there is a Showcase Event. My action project was about volunteering and thinking about how I use my time in more strategic ways, to work on things in my community and also to make sure to look after myself.

In November 2021, I was invited to speak to the Board of Clúid as part of their planning day. I was there to talk about resident engagement and my own experience of working with other Clúid residents to improve how Clúid does its business. One of the SDGs that is very relevant to Clúid is Goal 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities. This goal sets out ways to make the places that we live, inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Some of the targets for that goal are participatory planning and management, strengthening cultural and natural heritage and safe, inclusive, and accessible green and public spaces, particularly for women, children, older persons, and persons with disabilities. Residents have a big part to play in delivering on Goal 11 and working in partnership with Clúid to make changes.

Informed action and partnerships are the lifeblood of sustainability – when people come together to ‘create better’ – better and safer neighbourhoods that are inclusive; better environments for biodiversity; better jobs that share value; better opportunities for people. It will always be a work-in-progress and will never be done, but you can only climb a hill one step at a time and climb the hill we must!”

Dorothy Seagrave, Clúid resident and NRAG member: “I knew very little about SDGs. After the NRAG information sessions & attending the Development Perspectives advocacy course showcase I now know they are a universal roadmap of goals for our future generations. Think of it as inheritance, leaving a legacy of your actions on improving quality of life for residents & the planet.

I realised I have been working in my community trying to improve common areas & resources for all residents. Working towards reducing anti-social behaviour and accessing supports to reach those goals. SDG’s help guide & inform community choices. It’s important that every community feels empowered to take part & enhance their lives/communities too.

SDG’s are a priority for Cluid because they realise the potential for communities and being a leader of positive change in Social housing. NRAG has been a partner in advancing positive policies and change were appropriate. NRAG needs to network with Clúid to establish nurturing communities and sharing what works in other places.”

To find out more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals see:

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