Radwan to represent Ireland
22nd Jun, 2023
Radwan to represent Ireland at The Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement
Radwan Abouhajar, originally from Syria, has been in Ireland for 9 years. Radwan is a Clúid resident in Portlaoise. He has worked as Resettlement Officer in Offaly and Tipperary supporting the Syrian resettlement projects. He is currently working for the Community Department within Laois County Council. Radwan sits on the coordinating group for the “Quality in Our Diversity” project.
‘Quality in Our Diversity’ is a collaborative project with Respond and Circle Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs). The aim of the project is to develop and complete a process through which any AHB can apply for accreditation as a positive and supportive landlord for those from diverse ethnic and/or migrant backgrounds. Radwan brings his lived experience and exceptional skillset to the group and the project. Radwan has completed his Masters in Refugee Integration with DCU and is co-founder of Laois Integration Network, where he still volunteers his time.
Radwan is a member of the Irish Advisory Refugee Advisory Board (IRAB). The IRAB was formed by UNHCR in 2022. A refugee-led group, the board aims to ensure that the voices of refugees are heard in policy decisions that affect them. In doing so, it will discuss issues that affect their communities and propose solutions to them.
On the 26th June, Radwan will travel to Geneva to attend The Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR). The 2023 ATCR will be chaired by the Government of Ireland, represented by the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP) in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and co-chaired by Nasc Ireland.
Since 1995, this annual event has provided an opportunity to address a wide range of policy and procedural matters, including advocacy, capacity building and operational support.
Radwan tells us, “The conference will discuss issues related to resettlement projects around the world. I will highlight the challenges facing the resettlement process in Ireland. It is an opportunity to exchange ideas and explore others experiences”
The team at Clúid would like to wish Radwan the best of luck at the ATCR. We look forward to hearing all about the trip and the many insights Radwan will bring back to share with the Quality in Our Diversity group.
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