Annual Rent Calculation

Each year, Clúid calculates the amount of rent you pay based on your income. We do this to make sure the amount you pay is fair. Your rent helps us to fund repairs and maintenance to your home.

Completing the Annual Rent Calculation Form is a condition of your tenancy agreement. It will take you about 15 minutes to complete and you will need to provide evidence of your income and your family situation. If you need help you can call us on 01 707 2088.

To request an Annual Rent Calculation Form, please email us at with your details.

How to complete the form

Complete the form online or you can download the rent assessment Form here
Fill in all required sections of the form in full, incomplete forms cannot be processed and will be returned

Please list all members of your household in section one

Orange form titled 'Your Home' with sections for entering household member details.

Please provide details of each household member’s income in section two

Pink form titled 'Household Income' with sections for filling in financial details.

Check which supporting documents you need to submit in section three

Red form titled 'Documents Required' listing necessary documents for an application process.

If you are in receipt of social welfare supports, please list each payment and have the form stamped by the Department of Social Protection.

Annual Rent Calculation
Supply all required documentation
Sign and date your rent assessment form
Return your rent assessment form before the deadline date listed on your assessment pack

Complete the form online or you can download the rent assessment Form here

If you want to submit the form then please disable the text mode on the assistive toolbar and reload the page.

    Section 1 - Your Home

    Clúid Housing calculates your household rent once a year. We do this to make sure you pay a fair amount. The rent you pay covers repairs and maintenance for your home. Completing this form is a condition of your tenancy agreement.

    This form will take about 15 minutes to complete. You will need to provide evidence of your income and your family situation.
    Please call 01 707 2088 if you need support. Thank you.


    Below is a list of the people you have registered as living in your house. Please add any new members of your household or advise of any who have left.

    Full Name


    Date of Birth

    Section 2 -Details Of Income

    You must declare the income currently earned by all members of your household and provide supporting documentation.


    Examples of income include wages, self-employment, DSP payment, working family payment, pension, CE/TUS Scheme, Back-to-work, apprenticeships, etc.

    Full Name

    Type of Income

    Weekly Amount


    Do you receive a payment for child maintenance?


    Do you make a payment to someone for child maintenance?


    Section 3 - What Evidence Do We Need?

    You will need to send us copies of documents as proof of your household income for all residents over 18 years. You will also need to send us proof for anybody over 18 in your household who is in full time education. For example, we will need a letter from their school or college.

    On this page you will see a list of documents you will need to send us. Please submit this form and copies of your documents below.

    Important: Without these documents we will need to set your rent to the maximum amount so please make sure you provide copies of all the documents we need.


    3 recent payslips (weekly, fortnightly, and monthly all require three)

    *You can upload multiple files

    Employed: Hours reduced

    3 recent payslips and letter from the employer stating the change

    *You can upload multiple files

    Employment ceased

    EDS or employer letter showing the date employment ceased


    Self-assessment for the most recent year

    DSP payment

    Receipt, bank statement, or Statement of Payments for one week

    DSP payment ceased

    Statement of payments showing no claim or letter from DSP

    Illness Benefit

    Proof of payment and payslips showing no income from work


    Court Order – proof of payment

    Over 18s in school/college

    Letter from School/College

    No Income

    Statement of payments from DSP showing no claim and Revenue

    Any other relevant information (e.g., the upcoming change in circumstances, returning to previous payment, etc)

    Section 4 - Department of Social Protection Form

    This form is required to be completed by all residents in order to calculate their annual household rent. Please state if fuel or living alone allowance is included for payment. Please also provide an explanation for any miscellaneous payments listed on payment receipts.

    Person 1

    Person 2

    Person 3


    Type of Payment

    Basic Rate

    Child Dependent amt

    Living Alone Allowance

    Other additions

    Deductions amount

    Reason for deduction

    Net Income

    If you are filling out your assessment form as part of the annual rent assessment, return your form before the deadline date listed on your assessment pack