How is my rent calculated?

Clúid is a not for profit organisation and rent makes up the bulk of our income. It pays for the ongoing maintenance of your home and neighbourhood, as well as the running cost of Clúid Housing.

Clúid takes failure to keep up with rent payments very seriously.

In most neighbourhoods, a differential rent applies. This means that a person’s rent amount is calculated on the basis of your household income. Those on higher incomes pay more rent than those on lower incomes. Different rent schemes may apply depending on whether Clúid owns the scheme or whether we lease if from a local authority. A small number of schemes have a fixed rent instead of an income based rent.

Some schemes have additional service charges included in the rent. Where a charge is applied, they are unique to that particular schemes or apartment block and depend on the costs of the services provided. These services are additional to those that Clúid usually provide, but are a necessary part of the schemes.

When is my rent assessed?

Clúid’s rent year begins the first Monday in July and runs for a 52 week period, until the beginning of July in the following year.

Every year Clúid will write to you requesting proof of your household income. We will use this information to calculate your rent for the coming year. It is mandatory for you to return all of this information.

If you do not return this information you will be in breach of your tenancy agreement and Clúid will raise a case with the Residential Tenancies Board. To prevent this happening, please make sure you return this information when we request if from you. Find out more at clú

All your payments are recorded on our computer system and you will receive a rent statement every 3 months.

The rent week runs from Monday to Sunday and rent is payable in advance. That means all payments for the week ahead must be made before midnight on the preceding Sunday.

What happens if I don’t pay my rent?

It is a condition of your tenancy to pay your rent on time every week and to have no arrears on your account.

You must contact us immediately if you are struggling and we will do everything we can to help you. Housing Officers monitor rent accounts every week and will contact you if you miss a payment. They will make a rent arrears agreement with you to help you get back on track. You must not breach this agreement.

If you refuse to engage with us and continue to build up arrears, the first step we will take is to raise a case for mediation or adjudication with the Residential Tenancies Board. Where arrears continue to rise, despite continued efforts by Clúid to assist you, you will be given a notice to terminate your tenancy and you will lose your home.

What is the Residential Tenancies Board?

Since 2016, all Clúid tenancies have been registered with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB).

The RTB has replaced the courts in dealing with the majority of disputes between landlords and residents through their Dispute Resolution Service.

In cases of rent arrears, Clúid will take cases to the RTB for a legally-binding Determination Order instructing you to pay your rent and your outstanding debt in full.

I am experiencing financial difficulties, who can help?

If you are in danger of falling behind on your rent, you should notify your Housing Officer as soon as possible. We can work together to agree a plan to assist you.

Should you need further help or assistance with your financial situation, the following agencies may be in a position to help:

Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)
0761 07 2000

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP)
You may be entitled to apply for an Exceptional Needs Payment.
1890 800 024

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
01  884 8200