Pay Rent Online

To make a rent payment, please fill in your details below and wait for further instructions onscreen. Please note: It is important to accurately input all required information requested on the rent payment form. This will allow us to allocate your payment to the correct rent account. Inaccurate or missing information may cause a delay in processing your rent payment and mean your account may go into arrears.

If you want to pay rent online then please disable text-mode on the assistive toolbar and then reload the page.

To ensure your payment is correctly allocated to your account, please provide your full tenant account number, which you will find on the top right of your quarterly statement.

What's My Eircode?

Other payment methods

  • Standing Order
  • Household Budget Scheme Through An Post
  • Electronic Transfer Using Online Banking
  • Telephone Payments

Paying Your Rent

Clúid works closely with residents to make rent affordable and easy to pay. We have created a useful guide of frequently asked questions for your convenience

Find Out More

Order a Repair

Maintenance and repairs

From time to time we may need to make repairs to damage in your home. If there is something in your home that needs repairing, please check here to see who is responsible for the repair. If you have an issue with mould in your home, please click here to download our guide to managing mould and condensation.

Give us a call

If the issue that needs repairing is Clúid’s responsibility, order a repair by calling our dedicated repairs team on 01 707 2088 and selecting option 1 for repair. One of our customer service advisors will then be able to take your details and offer an appointment to have the repair carried out.

Fill out the form below

Alternatively, you can request a repair by completing the form below and we will be in touch.

If you want to request a repair then please disable text-mode on the assistive toolbar and then reload the page.

    If possible, please attach a photo (Max file size 8mb and file types png,jpg,jpeg)

    Clúid Resident Handbook

    Moving into a new home can be a very exciting but stressful time. We hope that this resident handbook will give you answers to any questions you may have about your tenancy and the services we provide.


    To view the book, please disable text-mode on the assistive toolbar.

    Download The Resident Handbook

    Leave a Compliment or Complaint

    Whether you’ve got a compliment or a complaint we welcome all feedback as it helps us to analyse and improve our services for all residents. Click here to view our complaints procedure.

    If you want to send us a compliment or complaint then please disable text-mode on the assistive toolbar and then reload the page.

      If possible, please attach a photo (Max file size 8mb and file types png,jpg,jpeg)

      Housing Advice

      It can be difficult to navigate the housing list application process. We have developed a quick step by step guide for your convenience.

      View Housing Advise

      Property Swap

      If you wish to move to a different area or estate you can seek a mutual exchange. This is where one tenant ‘swaps’ homes with another tenant with the agreement of the landlord or landlords. There are a number of conditions that need to be met before a mutual exchange can be approved – contact your Housing Officer for more details.

      View Properties

      Your Community

      Clúid’s staff place strong emphasis on encouraging residents to become involved in creating a thriving community. They promote involvement in annual, national and European community events as well as events organised by Clúid in the community.

      Included in these are initiatives that create opportunities for residents in education, employment, and participation in productive and valuable community projects.

      Get Involved